Apple II System Disk 3.0: Requires MouseText, 128K Memory

Here are some questions and answers about Apple II System Disk 3.0 for
the Apple IIe and Apple IIc:

Q) Will this disk operate on an unenhanced Apple IIe?

A) System Disk v3.0 uses an AppleWorks-style interface, and this requires the
availability of MouseText characters, which do NOT exist in an unenhanced
Apple IIe. The program may also use some of the additional 27 instructions
available only in the 65C02 CPU.

Q) What is the latest version of System software that will operate with an
unenhanced Apple IIe?

A) System Utilities Version v2.1.1 will work on an unenhanced Apple IIe, but
even that requires some MouseText characters, and will show an abnormal
display -- for example, Upper Case Inverse Capital S characters instead of
straight horizontal lines.

However, the program runs properly in spite of this display anomaly. System
Utilities v2.1 does not use MouseText characters and should function
normally on an unenhanced Apple IIe.

Q) How much memory does the System Disk v3.0 require to operate?

A) When booted on a 64K enhanced Apple IIe, the program gives an error message
stating it requires 80-column text, and this indicates it requires 128K of

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012