Multi-Session Support on Power Computing‘s CD-ROM Drives

Power Computing provided the information in this article and it was deemed accurate as of 14 November 1997. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. This article is being provided as is and will not be updated in the future.

Do the CD-ROM drives bundled with Power Computing machines provide multi-session support?
Multi-session support is a function of both the drive and the driver which runs it.  FWB's CD-ROM Toolkit v1.6.3p is the latest version of the driver that Power Computing uses on all of its machines and it provides multi-session support. Furthermore, all of the CD-ROM drives that Power Computing currently bundles have multi-session support.

These drives are:  Toshiba XM-5301B  (4X)
                  Toshiba XM-5401B  (4X)
                  Sony CDU76S (4X)
                  TEAC 56S (6X)
                  NEC CDR-1410 (8X)

Multi-Session support, also known as second write, is necessary to read CD-ROMs which have had information saved to it more than once. This can take place when, for example, a photo CD is returned to a photo lab to have pictures added.

Note: More information about the functionality of CD-ROM Toolkit can be found in the "Supported Devices" document found in the "Bundled Software" folder on the Power CD.

Machines Affected: All PCC systems with CD-ROM drives
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012