Sony 17sfII Maximum Resolution

Power Computing provided the information in this article and it was deemed accurate as of 14 November 1997. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. This article is being provided as is and will not be updated in the future.

The specifications for the Sony 17sfII Trinitron Display say the maximum resolution is 1280x1024. I am only able to get up to 1024x768 resolution on my Power Computing computer.
Nothing is wrong. You are probably connected to the Macintosh video port via an adapter. The Sony 17sfII monitor's maximum PC resolution is 1280x1024; the maximum Macintosh resolution is 1024x768. If you would like to show 1280x1024, you must connect to the VGA port. Following is a list of Power Computing machines and their available VGA ports.

Machine                         VGA port  
Power 100/120                   HPV card (optional)
PowerWave                       ATI card
PowerCurve                      Built-in
PowerCenter                     Built-in
PowerTower                      Built-in
PowerTowerPro                   IMS Twin Turbo card
PowerBase                       Built-in  
PowerCenter Pro                 Built-in

Machines Affected: All
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012