Adobe Premiere LE Documentation

Power Computing provided the information in this article and it was deemed accurate as of 14 November 1997. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. This article is being provided as is and will not be updated in the future.

I just received the Adobe Premiere LE software package with my MiroMotion DC 20 card and there does not seem to be any documentation or a user's guide with it. Can Power Computing send it to me?
Electronic documentation is provided with the bundle and can be accessed from the CD in the "Documentation" folder. It is a PDF file that can be read with Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can also be installed from the Premiere LE CD. This electronic documentation can be printed and used as a hard copy of the User's Guide.

Full, printed documentation for the Premiere LE application can also be purchased directly from Adobe. You must be a registered user of the software in order to do so. The registration card is in the back of Adobe Premiere LE pamphlet that comes with the Miro bundle; or you can register by phone.

The cost of the documentation is set by Adobe and listed on the back of the registration card.

North America: 1-800-642-ADOBE (1-800-642-3623)
Outside North America: 1-206-628-2749
Europe: Contact manufacturer of video board. (Miro for Power Computing bundles)
Japan: (03) 5423-1861

Note: Adobe Photoshop LE is also included in the bundle. The above information concerning electronic and printed documentation also applies to this version of the bundled Photoshop LE application.

Machines Affected: PowerCurve, PowerCenter, PowerTower, PowerTower Pro, PowerBase
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012