No Global Village Modem Upgrade

Power Computing provided the information in this article and it was deemed accurate as of 14 November 1997. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. This article is being provided as is and will not be updated in the future.

I downloaded Global Village's flash ROM upgrade to change the modem you bundled with my computer from 28.8 to 33.6 and it isn't working. Why?
The modems that are bundled with Power Computing systems use a design that is slightly different from other Teleport Platinum 28.8 modems. Unlike the Platinum modems sold through retail channels, Power's version does not support flash ROM upgrades.

However, Global Village is currently offering an update program that allows you to exchange your modem for an upgradeable model. For more information, contact Global Village at 800-736-4821.

Machines Affected: All
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012