The Iomega Drive Options control panel is new to version 5.0 of the Iomega software. It is used to control some of the new capabilities of the new driver. It is used with both Zip and Jaz cartridges and drives.
The options are:
1) Turn on or off the ability to verify disk writes.
2) Have the ability to have your disk ejected or not ejected at shutdown.
3) Have the ability to have your disk ejected or not ejected on restart.
4) Have the drive go to sleep after a certain amount of time (between 1 and 30 minutes).
Advanced Options:
There are advanced options available by selecting the Special menu and choosing "Advanced Options...". The advanced options involve choosing what the driver will do if a disk is inserted that is not the same version as the installed version (Every Jaz and Zip disk has a driver partition installed on it though it is not visible in the finder). The choices are:
Update the driver on the disk only when it is older.
Always update the drover on the disk.
Do NOT update the drive on the disk.
What are the defaults?
The defaults are:
Verify disk writes is OFF.
Eject disk at Shutdown is ON.
Eject disk on Restart is OFF.
Drive sleeps in 15 minutes.
Update the driver on the disk only when it is older.
Where is this information stored?
It is stored in a preference file in the system folder's preferences folder. It is called "Iomega Driver Preferences."
Machines Affected: All