CD-ROM Toolkit Support of Various CD Formats

Power Computing provided the information in this article and it was deemed accurate as of 14 November 1997. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. This article is being provided as is and will not be updated in the future.

What CD ROM Toolkit settings are recommended to allow mounting of the widest variety of CD formats, and for optimum playback of CD's.
Here are the CD ROM Toolkit settings recommended by FWB:

(these settings are accessible from the "options" button in CDT v 1.6.x, and from the "setup" button in version 2.x)

To enable mounting of CD formats in CD ROM Toolkit other than Apple HFS format, you should make sure that you are set to allow mounting of dual format CD's, and to scan each track for data.

To configure your CD ROM Toolkit for optimum playback, make sure that "Read Ahead" is set to "small" or "disabled." Also make sure that "Continue Caching into the acceleration file..." is unchecked. For QuickTime, multimedia playback and audio synchronization problems try turning off caching activities, which speeds up the drive in most cases, but may interfere with the synchronization of these types of applications.

NOTE 1: MPEG files
According to FWB, there is a bug with current versions of the Mac OS (up through 7.6) which hinders non Apple drivers (i.e. CD-ROM Toolkit) from working with the MPEG extension reliably with non Apple CD ROM drives. Both Apple and FWB are working to correct this problem. FWB has developed a fix and included it with v.2.3 of CD-ROM Toolkit, which is included on Power's 7.6 CD. Retail version 2.5 has the fix and FWB has developed an updater for version 2.0. FWB updates can be downloaded from <>.

Here are a few other known issue's related to the MPEG extension that may apply:
-The MPEG extension will not work without the new Thread Manager file (2.1.5) included with the QuickTime 2.5 software.
-LaserWriter 8.4.1 Net Install (which includes desktop printing software) does delete/move the Threads Manager.
-Color StyleWriter 2500 v2.2.1 software (and presumably the new 1500 software) removes this Thread Manager file and installs an older version (2.1)

NOTE 2: VCD (Video CD)
Your model CD ROM drive may not support the VCD format with CD ROM Toolkit. You can consult the "Supported Devices" read me in the CD ROM Toolkit folder to see which data formats are specifically supported on your make and model CD ROM drive. FWB reports that they can successfully play VCDs with the vast majority of our supported devices, but not with all of them. For the moment, it is not recommended that VCDs be played using CD ROM Toolkit until we work the support issues out fully.

Machines Affected: All
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012