IMS Twin Turbo 4.0: Read Me

Power Computing provided the information in this article and it was deemed accurate as of 14 November 1997. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. This article is being provided as is and will not be updated in the future.

IMS Twin Turbo software version 4.0 Read Me.
Notes on Twin Turboª Control Panel:
This Control Panel requires the new Display Library which is part of System 7.5.3 and is a separate file on older system. If you encounter the problem of the board not preserving the resolution after reboot you may want to upgrade your system to 7.5.3. This can be done by installing the new system or by upgrading 7.5 with System
Enabler 2.0.

Notes on Twin Turboª Software 4.0:
This version significantly improves the acceleration over 3.8. It also fixes the QuickTime acceleration problem thatÊshows up on recording.

Notes on Twin Turboª Software 3.8:
This version fixes the Umlaut-A problem. The character was not showing up in previous version. It also fixes the background repaint problem that sometimes appears in M2 boards.

Notes on Twin Turboª Software 3.6:
This version fixes the text hilite problem and resolves the conflict with some applications such as Photoshop that sometimes leads to type 11 error.

Notes on Twin Turboª Software 3.5:
This version adds support for the new MP2 and MV2 boards. It also adds an MPEG hardware scaler.

Notes on Twin Turboª Upgrade version 3.1:
1. This upgrade applies to Twin Turboª 128M and Twin Turboª 128M2 boards only.
2. This version fixes the bug that causes LocalTalk to freeze when copying large files.
3. If you have version 2.1 ROM or less with this upgrade, you would be able to access all the resolutions the board supports, up to 1920x1080. Just plug the monitor into the VGA connector and leave the Mac connector open. It should come up with default
resolution or the resolution from last boot. The default resolution is 640x480x60Hz for version 2.1 or 2.0 ROM and 832x624x75Hz for version 1.x ROM plus the upgrade.

To force the system to the default resolution, follow the following procedure:
- Reboot and hold down command-option-p-r.
- Wait till the system restarts. Release the keys and hold down shift key.
- Release the key after the "Welcome to Macintosh. Extensions Off." message shows up.
- The system should be in default mode.

Notes on Twin Turboª 128M8:
- The resolution 1920x1080 Millions mode is not supported at 72Hz.
- It is recommended that the system has at least 32M of memory installed for maximum performance.

Machines Affected: All
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012