Adaptec-PowerCenter Pro: Grey Screen at Startup

Power Computing provided the information in this article and it was deemed accurate as of 14 November 1997. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. This article is being provided as is and will not be updated in the future.

I was using the PowerDomain control panel on my PowerCenter Pro. And while I was adjusting the settings, I disabled the termination on my card because I thought it would improve the computer's performance. Now my computer won't boot. At start-up, I get the chime but then there's just a gray screen with the cursor stuck in the upper left corner. It responds to resetting the PRAM, but still doesn't boot. I can't force boot from the CD. Resetting the CUDA yields no result. I've even moved the Adaptec card to other slots. The only thing that does work is removing the Adaptec card from the computer.
The gray screen at start-up and the inability to boot is the result of the card being unterminated by PowerDomain updating its ROM. However, what PowerDomain did can be undone through these steps:

1. Disconnect the SCSI cable from the card.

2. Remove the card from the computer.

3. Place a jumper on the two pins labeled J4.

4. Put the card back into the computer.

5. Boot from the PowerCD.

6. Insert the PowerDomain floppy that came with the system.

7. Double click on the PowerDomain Control program on the floppy.

8. Select the card under the header that says "Select a SCSI bus:"

9. Under the "Termination options" header, select the "Automatic" button.

10. In the middle of the PowerDomain Control, press the "Set" button and Quit the program.

11. Shut down the computer.

12. Remove the card.

13. Remove the jumper from J4.

14. Reinsert the card and reconnect its SCSI cable.

15. Power on and the computer will boot properly.

Currently, alternatives are being investigated by engineering to prevent this from happening. In the meantime this is the solution until further notice.

If there is no jumper on J4, contact Power ComputingÕs Technical Support and one can be mailed out.

Machines Affected: PowerCenter Pro
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012