LocalTalk PC Card: Compatibility of Third-party Devices

There is no firm rule as to which third-party devices will work with the
LocalTalk PC card.

Apple tests the LocalTalk PC card in a variety of MS-DOS machines, from the
original IBM PC through the newest compatibles based on the 286 or 386,
clocked at 16 MHz, 20 MHz and 25 MHz.

One element that is known to cause incompatibility is a card bus running at
8 MHz. Machines with bus speeds of 8 MHz have caused difficulties for many
cards, Apple's LocalTalk PC card among them.

If a problem occurs for a different reason -- that is, the machine has a
standard bus speed -- it involves other areas of the network, and becomes a
more complicated problem to solve, requiring a detailed examination of the
equipment used and the anomalies being experienced.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012