Apple SuperDrive and Double-Density Disks

TOPIC ------------------------------------------------------------

This article discusses the disks required by the Apple SuperDrive (formerly
Apple FDHD).

DISCUSSION -------------------------------------------------------

In the DOS environment, you can format a 720K double-density disk so that
it will appear to be a high-density 1.44MB disk.

However, you must use a genuine high-density disk to translate data
from MS-DOS to Macintosh OS using the Apple SuperDrive Apple File Exchange.

The SuperDrive looks for the additional "bonus hole" in the upper left-hand
corner of the disk. If the hole is not there, the drive will not recognize
the MS-DOS disk as a high-density disk.

A high-density disk can be recognized by the additional hole as well as the
letters HD on the disk.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012