Make sure that the audio source is connected to the inputs on the DC30 audio breakout cable, and make sure you have the outputs from the breakout cable connected to an audio output device (amplified speakers, NTSC monitor with speakers, etc)
Make sure that the DC30 is selected as the Audio Input device in the Apple/Control Panels/Monitors and Sound pull down menu and in Adobe Premiere in the Movie Capture/Sound Input menu. Also make sure the proper input type is selected from the options button (line level or mic level). The incorrect type distorts the audio.
Watch the vu meter in that menu to see if you are reaching red indicators. If so, lower the gain.
Check the audio properties in Adobe Premiere in the Movie Capture/Sound Input/Sample menu for the sampling rate, number of bits, and mono or stereo settings.
Copyright 1997 Miro Computer Products
Machines Affected: All