HyperCard: A Front End to an HP3000

What methods are available to communicate with an HP3000 through HyperCard?

HyperCard can act as a front end to an HP3000 using either of two possible
solutions currently available. One is a lower-level solution requiring more
work, while the other does much of the work for you.

The lower-level solution is the set of serial XCMDs for HyperCard available
from the Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA). These
implement serial communication at a level that allows you to design the
front end any way you want. Choosing this requires that you deal with all
of the communication, terminal emulation, and formatting information sent
from the HP3000.

The second option is a set of external commands and code resources called
"FITOS" from MITEM Corporation. These include a number of different
terminal emulators, including at least one HP terminal type. The advantage
of this package is that it handles everything except the actual information
that would normally be presented to the user. You don't have to worry about
the communications protocols used or the terminal formatting characters
sent by the host. One possible disadvantage is that if it does not support
the type of terminal that you need them to support, you would have to deal
with the terminal emulation yourself.

For more information, search under: "MITEM" and "APDA".

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012