A/UX: File Transfer to and from VAX (9/94)

File Transfer to and from a DEC VAX.

There are several ways to transfer files between A/UX and a VAX, depending on how the communication line is connected physically--that is, whether it is connected via modem (telephone line), direct hard-wired, or on an Ethernet network.

In A/UX, there are two serial TTY ports (modem and printer). You can use either one or both of these two ports to connect to the other end of a VAX machine.

(NOTE: The A/UX distribution is configured with tty0 or dial-in modem port [getty enabled] and tty1 for printer port [getty disabled]. In A/UX 3.0
both ports are disabled by default)

- If the VAX machine is running any flavor of UNIX systems, such as
Berkeley 4.2 or 4.3 or AT&T System V, and the serial line connections
(modem or hard-wired) are used, you can use the'cu' or 'tip' commands in
A/UX for terminal connection and file transfer interactively. You can use
the'uucp' (UNIX-to-UNIX copy) command for automatic batch file transfer.

- If the VAX machine is running DEC VMS, one possible solution is to use
public domain Kermit software on both A/UX and VMS for connection and
file transfer.

- If the A/UX and VAX UNIX are connected via Ethernet, then 'telnet',
'rlogin', 'ftp', and 'rcp' commands in A/UX can be used for terminal
connection and file transfer. If the VAX supports NFS (Network File
System), then file transfer becomes transparent as long as the remote
file system is mounted.

Article Change History:
06 Sep 1994 - Reviewed.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012