HyperCard: Laser Video Control? (12/95)

This article describes Laser Video Disc players and availability of XCMDS for controlling LaserDisc Players from HyperCard.

Most laser video is provided on 12-inch LaserDiscs. Many of the

industrial-grade LaserDisc players provide serial connections. Control of

the 12-inch LaserDisc players is provided via XCMDs for HyperCard. We are

unaware of any industrial-grade LaserDisc player that supports the 5-inch

CD-V format.

Depending on the source, CD-V may mean only the 5-inch format, or CD-V may

mean 5-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch formats. To support all three video formats,

use Voyager Company's The Box to control a Pioneer 1030 or Pioneer 3030.

The 1030 and 3030, which are called "combination players", support CD audio,

5-inch CD-V, 8-inch LaserDisc/CD-V, and 12-inch LaserDisc/CD-V. The Box

comes with HyperCard XCMDs for controlling these two disc players, among


Of the disc players on the Voyager list that we have, the Pioneer 1030 and

3030 are the only LaserDisc players that support multiple disc sizes.

Voyager has been adding to the list of supported disc players. Check with

them to see if a particular combination player is currently supported.

The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a Voyager's address and phone number.

Article Change History:

22 Dec 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, updated format.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012