Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0 is the new release of system software for the
Apple IIGS computer. The main features include:
- Support for AppleShare File Server
- Speed, speed, and more speed
- A Control Panel and Control Panel devices (CDEVs)
- Multiple simultaneous installations with the Installer
- 5.25-inch Disk Driver is installed
- Increased ToolBox support
The AppleTalk Network User's Guide and AppleShare Apple II Setup Disk are
included only in the System Software 5.0 update box. It will not ship with the
Apple IIGS hardware system.
The Apple IIGS manual is being rewritten to include the information in the
AppleTalk Network User's Guide.
System Requirements
Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0 requires an Apple IIGS with a least 768K of memory
when operating on a network. As a stand-alone system the 5.0 System Disk
requires only 512K.
AppleShare and Network Support
One of the main new features of Apple IIGS System Software 5.0 is GS/OS support
for AppleShare File Server volumes. To use the Apple IIGS with an AppleShare
File Server, you need to use version 2.0 or later of the AppleShare File Server
There are a number of additions to GS/OS to support AppleShare. These include:
- Booting GS/OS over the network
- Creation of a 3.5-inch Server Startup Disk
- An AppleShare FST (File System Translator) for GS/OS
- A Control Panel File Server Chooser
- Ability to auto-logon to a server
- Server Logoff
- Finder support of AppleShare
Network Booting
To use the Apple IIGS with an AppleShare File Server, you need to use version
2.0 or later of the AppleShare File Server software. If you have an existing
AppleShare File Server you need to order:
Apple IIGS System Software version 5.0
This package includes a new "Apple II Setup Disk". This disk is a Macintosh
disk that uses the Macintosh Installer to update the AppleShare File Server
2.0.1 server boot blocks to GS/OS. The boot blocks are sent to the workstation
when the user requests network booting from the Apple IIGS. The disk is found
in the back of the AppleTalk Network User's Guide that ships inside the
stand-alone package. After the Macintosh has been updated, you can use the
Apple IIGS Installer (located on the SYSTEM.TOOLS disk) to update the SYSTEM
folder on the server hard drive.
All servers on the network should be updated to the new boot blocks at the
same time. You should not have boot blocks from Apple IIGS Workstation
Software and System Disk 5.0 on the same network. AppleShare File Server will
start shipping with the new Apple II Setup Disk mid-summer 1989.
Local Booting
Using a 3.5-inch disk can speed up server boot times. There are two methods of
gaining access to an AppleShare File Server from a 3.5-inch disk:
- Local Network Startup
- AppleShare on 3.5-inch Disk
The first method performs the same function as network booting, and the second
boots into the Finder.
Local Network Startup saves time and network traffic when booting an entire
class of computers at the same time. The Installer update to allow faster
network booting is called "Local Network Startup".
The Installer update that lets you boot into the Finder is called "AppleShare
on 3.5 Disk". This type of disk is called a "workstation startup disk".
ExpressLoad is new with Apple IIGS System Software 5.0 and causes GS/OS to
load the system and applications faster. ExpressLoad enhances the standard
Apple IIGS System Loader and lets large applications load in a shorter time.
Developers can turn applications into ExpressLoad format using the APW tool
called Express or the MPW IIGS tool called ExpressIIGS. A load file must
contain resources and code segments in a specific order to be compatible with
ExpressLoad. ExpressLoad checks files first to see if they are in the proper
format. If the file is not in ExpressLoad format, the application is launched
by the normal Apple IIGS system loader.
To save memory, ExpressLoad is loaded only on systems with more than 512K of
memory. Before loading ExpressLoad, the system checks to see if there is
more than 512K of memory. It will not ExpressLoad into a 512K system.
A number of the toolbox routines have been modified to increase speed. They
include "special case" code that causes QuickDraw and other routines to operate
faster, based on the parameters that were passed to QuickDraw. Programmers do
not have to modify their code to support any of these "special case" routines.
Control Panel and CDEVs
The Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0 includes the Graphics Control Panel, which is
similar to the Macintosh Control Panel and Chooser. The Graphics Control
Panel is implemented as an NDA (New Desk Accessory). This type of DA is
available only to Apple IIGS desktop applications.
The Graphics Control Panel is an expanded facility for controlling any number
of system parameters. This functionality lets Apple and third-party developers
add Control Panel "devices" (CDEVs). The Graphics Control Panel sets the same
information as the existing Apple IIGS Control Panel (now called the Text
Control Panel) which is accessed by using the Command-Control-Escape keys.
Icons for all CDEVs look the same, letting you identify a CDEV quickly and
CDEVs are located inside the SYSTEM folder, just as fonts and desk accessories:
Desk Accessories
Like the current Apple IIGS System Disk, Apple IIGS System Software 5.0
supports New Desk Accessories (NDAs). The system can now support 128 NDAs,
thanks to scrolling menus. Desk Accessories are in the following folder:
SCSI Manager
The SCSI manager has been modified to provide a four-fold speed increase and
provide additional SCSI support. The new driver is faster because it is
loaded into memory and does not use the firmware on the card. When the
driver was written, a number of new features were added:
- Full SCSI Device Support
- 7 Physical Devices
- 32 Volumes per Drive
- Full SCSI Command Support
- Access to Non-ProDOS Partitions
- Support for Magneto-Optic Drives (with a driver)
Related Articles
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: ToolBox Changes
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Changes to BASIC.SYSTEM
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Disk II/Apple 5.25-inch Driver
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Advanced Disk Utility and SCSI Manager