This article summarizes changes and additions to the Apple IIGS ToolBox
that result from Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0.
The Toolbox on the Apple IIGS has been modified to support a number of new
features that are available to developers. (If these new features are used
in a program, the user must have Apple IIGS System Software 5.0 for the
software to function correctly.)
The Resource Manager and Text Edit are new for System Disk 5.0.
Additional documentation is available from APDA.
Control Manager
The Control Manager has been modified to provide support for more standard
control types, including:
- StatText Control -- Display text messages in a rectangle.
- PictureControl -- Display a picture in a rectangle.
- IconButtonControl -- Icon drawn in a rectangle.
- LineEditControl -- Line Edit item used in List Manager.
- TextEditControl -- Works with new TextEdit Tool.
- PopUpControl -- Provide multiple selection buttons within scrolling lists.
- ListControl -- You can now use the control manager to manipulate items in
the List Manager.
Desk Manager
The classic desk accessory (CDA) menu now supports scrolling when more than
thirteen CDAs are installed. CDAs are accessed by pressing COMMAND-CONTROL-ESC
on the keyboard. Because of this change, selections no longer wrap around the
screen. The number of CDAs is limited by disk space and boot time to install
the files. You may have problems if you install more than 128 CDAs.
Event Manager
The Journaling feature is changed, to better support the ReadMouse function.
Font Manager
A problem was fixed in ChooseFont, which caused the system to hang if any
update events were pending when the call was made.
Line Edit
Line Edit now supports a password field, in which the characters typed by
the user appear on the screen as asterisks (*).
List Manager
The List Manager has been changed to make it easier for programmers to use,
and to support new controls in the Control Manager.
Memory Manager
The Memory Manager has been modified to improve system performance.
Menu Manager
The Menu Manager now supports a number of new features, including:
- Outline and Shadow text styles in a menu
- scrolling menus
- pop-up menus
Note Sequencer
The Note Sequencer has been modified to make it easier for developers to
create and use sequences in programs.
Print Manager
The PrChoosePrinter call has been removed. Users should use the Control
Panel to select printers. If an application makes this call, a dialog appears
on the screen telling the user to use the Control Panel to select a printer.
When printing in draft mode to a text printer, the driver translates
QuickDraw II commands into command sequences for the printer.
QuickDraw II
QuickDraw II has been modified to function faster.
Resource Manager
The Resource Manager is an INIT file that is loaded when the Apple IIGS is
started, and stays loaded when the system is running. The Resource Manager
maintains the resource fork of a file. This is similar to the resource fork
in the Macintosh. This is the first time the a resource fork has existed in
the Apple II world. The format of the data is defined by the application.
Resources are referred to by a resource type and resource ID number.
Sound Tools
Four new calls have been added to the sound tools, allowing greater
flexibility when playing sounds.
Standard File
Standard File has been modified to fully support GS/OS path names. The
following are GS/OS values, not the ProDOS FST values. These include:
- 13,107 files in a folder
- 254 characters in a file name (using new calls)
- 508 characters in a path name
- The List Manager is being used
- Scan of AppleShare File Server volume every 8 seconds
- Checks for write-protected volumes and folders
- Displays the lock icon next to current path name
- Calls to support multi-selection calls
- Hook so applications can draw custom list items
Text Edit
This is a new feature of Apple IIGS System Software 5.0. It provides standard
text editing for any application. It can be used as a complete text editor or
as the core of a simple word processor. It is similar to Text Edit calls on
the Macintosh. The following features are included in GS TextEdit:
- Edit any amount of text that fits in memory (not 32K as in the Macintosh)
- Mouse activity for text selection (single, double, triple clicking for text,
words, lines)
- Auto word wrap
- Cut, Copy, and Paste
- Some support of control keys for text manipulation
- Stylistic variations in the text (fonts, sizes, style, color).
- Text can contain a "ruler" to format the text
- Four types of justification
- Three kinds of Tab support
- Programmer can limit the amount of information that can be entered
- Vertical scrolling in a window
- Automatic drag selection
- It is FAST
Window Manager
Numerous changes speed things up and support the Resource Manager.
Related Articles
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Overview
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Changes to BASIC.SYSTEM
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Disk II/Apple 5.25-inch Driver
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Advanced Disk Utility and SCSI Manager