Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Changes to BASIC.SYSTEM

Two problems were fixed in BASIC.SYSTEM 1.3, and one new feature was added.

MTR Command
The new feature is the MTR command, which lets the user enter the system
monitor without having to remember "CALL -151". The user stays in the
monitor until issuing Q or Control-C.

Problem Fixes
When two or more Applesoft programs were chained together and the length of
the variable table was a multiple of 256, the chain command functioned
incorrectly and the program crashed into the monitor or was sent to the
ONERR command address. This is fixed in BASIC.SYSTEM 1.3.

BASIC.SYSTEM 1.3 also fixes a problem in BSAVE that caused the old length
and load address to be retained when you BSAVEd over an existing file.

Related Articles
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Overview
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: ToolBox Changes
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Disk II/Apple 5.25-inch Driver
- Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0: Advanced Disk Utility and SCSI Manager

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012