AppleShare Network Server 2.0.1: Installation & Error Message

Here are a few tips on troubleshooting AppleShare Network Server
installation problems:

Installing System 6.0.2
Under 6.0.2, the Server Installer disk appears to install normally, but
when you launch Admin on the Server Administration disk you get a message:

The easiest solution is to copy Admin into the Server Folder on the hard
drive and start it from there.

No "Apple II" Menu in Server Administration
APPLE II does not appear as a menu choice, until the "Apple II" box is
checked in SERVER INFO under the SERVER menu. When that box is checked,
Apple II users' folders and a folder called SYSTEM for the Apple IIs are
created. You must restart the server before the Apple IIs will start up
from the server.

No Boot Server - Apple IIGS
Check the Control Panel on the Apple IIGS. Under the Slots section, SLOT 1
should be YOUR CARD, SLOT 7 should be AppleTalk, and START-UP SLOT should
be set to SCAN.

Access Not Allowed
This message can take several forms, but the basic content is always that a
user does not have access to a particular file or folder.

In fact, users should see this whenever they try to get to something they
shouldn't. If access should be allowed, check the access privileges of all
the folders involved, either under SERVER ADMINISTRATION, or using a
Macintosh SE logged on as "Administrator".

Access Privileges Are Not the Same as You Set Them
To save time, a person setting access privileges may choose an option on
this, you change the owner of the enclosed folders, the group designation,
and the access privileges. Once this is done, you must go back in and
change each of the folders back to the correct owner, group, and access

No ProDOS Memory Card Found
On the Apple IIe, this means exactly what it says -- you need a ProDOS
memory card. Typically, an Apple IIe requires 128K to be a workstation and
512K to be a teacher station.

On the Apple IIGS, this means either not enough memory or, more commonly,
that you need to set up a RAM disk using the Control Panel. If you have the
current ROMs, a 256K RAM disk will suffice, but 512K is probably better.

No Users in Aristotle
When Aristotle menu management starts, it creates a user list. If no user
list is found, it is normally because the groups "STUDENT" and "TEACHER"
are not found. Remember, the group names must be exactly "STUDENT" and
GROUP will not work. Many times, groups still appear correctly in Admin,
but recopying the primary group into the User Information folder will
correct the situation. CHANGE ALL ENCLOSED FOLDERS is often the culprit

(Important Note: STUDENT and TEACHER must be the Primary group.)

A User Still Doesn't Appear After Re-doing Group
If a student or teacher doesn't appear in Aristotle after restoring their
group designation, delete the user and then recreate it.

You Must Be a Teacher To Use This Program
Aristotle menu management can be used only by users whose primary group is
TEACHER. Check the user's primary group.

How Can I Keep Users From Copying Files to Floppies?
Under the FILES AND FOLDERS menu, choose GET INFO on the program file in
question. In the upper-right corner there is a box named COPY-PROTECT. When
this box is checked, users cannot make copies of the file.

How Can I Keep Users From Hiding Other Users' Folders, Trashing Them, Etc.?
Again, under the FILES AND FOLDERS menu, open the GET INFO on the folder.
In the upper-right corner there is a box named LOCKED. With this box
checked, no one except the owner can move a folder, throw it away, or
rename it.

Volume Name Must Be a Legal ProDOS Name
For Apple IIs to be able to use a server as a volume, the volume must have
a legal ProDOS name. Unfortunately, this message usually appears when you
check the APPLE II ADMIN box under the SERVER INFO menu, and there is no
handy way to change it. Go back to the Finder and change the name of the

Remember, a name has a maximum of 15 characters, no spaces, starts with a
letter, and contains only letters, numbers, and periods.

Illegal ProDOS Name That Appears To Conform to Rules
Check for blanks preceding and/or following the volume name.

AppleTalk Must Be Installed
This usually occurs on a workstation and not the server. In either case, go
to the Chooser and select the radio button that makes AppleTalk ACTIVE.

Administration Is an Unavailable Option
If Administration is an option that cannot be selected, then it does not
reside in the server folder. This means someone probably copied the ADMIN
program onto the hard drive, but not into the Server Folder. Go back to the
Finder and drag it into the Server Folder.

Administrator Cannot Use All Folders
This normally occurs when using a Macintosh SE as a workstation logged on
as Administrator.

If the Administrator is unable to see any folders or to change names,
privileges, and so on, then Administrator was not given all privileges. Go
to the SERVER ADMIN program, open the ADMINISTRATOR's user information, and
check the ALL PRIVILEGES box.

Error/Unable To Load Application
On an Apple II running Aristotle, these messages appear when pathnames are
incorrectly stated when creating an application for the application list.
Aristotle WILL NOT catch this in menu management, but only when a user
selects the menu option and tries to load the application. Correct the
pathname. It should appear as follows:


Aristotle... Not Saved Properly
This message occurs when a student logs on, but the teacher has not saved
and quit Aristotle menu management. Have the teacher save any unsaved work
and quit Aristotle.

Startup Configuration Not Properly Setup
This message occurs when access privileges to start-up files and folders
have been corrupted. Check access privileges for the folders Aristotle,
MENU.D, and DISPLAY, if the student is using Aristotle.

Garbage When Printing to the LaserWriter
To use the LaserWriter, an ImageWriter emulation program must be downloaded
to it. You can do this by printing to the spooler or selecting the printer
again in the Chooser.

Article Change History:
5 Oct 1993 - Changed title to reflect version.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012