System 6.0.2: How To Protect Files

Users of System version 5.0 may have found changes in file privileges under
System 6.0.2 -- namely, that any files locked using System 5.0 can now be
trashed, removed, or moved to another folder.

Under System version 5.0, setting the protect bit on a file causes the
following under the Finder:

- The file cannot be moved from its current folder/window.

- The file cannot be thrown in the trash.

- The file cannot be copied.

When any of these were tried, the Finder gave the message: "That may not be
duplicated or moved."

Under System version 6.0.2, setting the protect bit on a file only prevents
the Finder from copying the file. The file can be moved or thrown in the
trash. The message returned by the Finder when you try to copy the file is:
"That may not be duplicated or copied."

The change in the wording of the dialog box indicates to us that this was
an intentional change and that we can expect this to be the new function of
the protect bit.

You can keep a file from being thrown in the trash by setting the locked
bit, but the file can still be moved. Also, the locked bit is much more
easily changed than the protect bit. We know of no way under System 6.0.2
to prevent a file from being moved under the Finder.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012