Some users have had problems installing AppleShare PC 1.1. Here is a
typical example:
The user has a Compaq 386/25 running DOS 3.3. The Compaq is configured
with 640K base memory and 1280K extended memory and the following expansion
boards: LocalTalk PC, Paradise EGA, Targa 16, and Compaq Multifunction
controller board.
The user planned to have the Compaq and another PC share a LaserWriter
IINT. After installing AppleShare PC, there is not enough memory to run
applications. The memory problem is so severe that there was not enough
memory to attach the LaserWriter through the DA.
In solving this type of problem, first consider how AppleShare PC uses
memory. There is an AppleLink article titled "AppleShare PC Memory Use" in
the Tech Info Library that describes the following:
The amount of memory used by AppleShare PC is:
- No resident DA or other options: 127,344 bytes
- DA resident with expanded memory option: 90,176 bytes
- DA resident (no graphics or memory options): 200,416 bytes
- DA resident and high-resolution graphics support: 215,776 bytes
DOS takes up approximately 40K. AppleShare PC with high-resolution
graphics support for the EGA card and DOS will take up approximately 250K.
This leaves 330K for applications. Major applications (word processors,
spreadsheets, and so on) usually require 384K or 512K. No wonder the user
runs out of memory.
In this kind of situation, do NOT install the DA into memory. Rather,
activate the by running it as a program from DOS prior to executing the
applications. The user can then make the connections to the printer before
executing applications.
The user does not have to execute the DA program each time the PC is turned
on, if the ANET program is used and AppleShare PC is directed to connect to
the LaserWriter or LaserWriters on startup. The ANET program is
distributed with AppleShare PC.