GS/OS 4.0: Checkmate MemorySaver

This article discusses GS/OS v4.0 and the program Checkmate MemorySaver.

Some users have reported problems installing GS/OS on the Checkmate MemorySaver using the Installer and the Control Panel to set the start-up slot. In fact, using the Installer to put GS/OS on the MemorySaver may be the cause of the difficulties. Rather, follow these two steps:

1) Use the Installer to create a boot disk configured the same as the desired MemorySaver configuration.

2) Copy the contents of the configured boot disk to the MemorySaver.

Checkmate Technologies provided the following suggestions:

- Do not create a RAM disk in the Control Panel.
- Check MemorySaver partitions; you need one large enough to accommodate your configuration of GS/OS.
- Use a copy program like "System Utilities", instead of the Installer or the Finder "drag" copy technique.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012