PC Compatibility Software 1.6: Read Me

PC Compatibility Card 1.6 Read Me
Important Information for Users of the PC Compatibility Card

This document provides late-breaking information that could not be included in the PC Compatibility Card User's Manual.

Be sure to read the first section, 'Before You Install,' before you install the Compatibility Card software. You can read the rest of this document later.


Before You Install

System Software

The PC Compatibility Card software requires that you have system software version 7.5.3 or later installed on your computer. If you are currently using System 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, you should install System 7.5.3 update 2.0 to upgrade to System 7.5.3.

For PC Compatibility Card users, System 7.5.3 is on the PC Compatibility Card Mac OS Software CD. To install the update, follow the instructions in the PC Compatibility Card User?s Manual.

Open Transport

The PC Compatibility Card Software requires that you have Open Transport 1.1.1 or later.
For PC Compatibility Card users, Open Transport 1.1.1 is on the PC Compatibility Card Mac OS Software CD. To install the update, follow the instructions in the PC Compatibility Card User?s Manual.
Open Transport 1.1.1 is also available from the Apple Web site at http://www.apple.com.


If you are upgrading from an older PC Compatibility Card, do not use the Internal PC audio/video socket. Follow the installation instructions in the manual that came with your card.
If you are upgrading from an older PC Compatibility Card, use the CD/Audio cable that came with your new card and set aside the older cables. Follow the installation instructions described in the manual that came with your card.
If you are upgrading from an older PC Compatibility Card and you want to use a pre-existing drive container, you should create a new drive container, install the necessary PC system software, and then copy your files and applications. Follow these steps:
If you are using a drive container that is larger than 1023 MB you may experience problems. If you are upgrading your software and want to use a drive container that is greater than 1023 MB, you should create a new drive container, install the necessary PC system software, and then copy your files and applications as described in the steps above.

PC System

Ejecting Floppy Disks and CD-ROMs

To eject a floppy disk in the PC environment, press Command-E.
To eject a CD-ROM in the PC environment, press Command-Y.

Macintosh System

Starting Up the PC and Macintosh Environments

The Energy dialog box may appear each time you start your Macintosh; you can turn off this message at startup by opening and closing the Energy Saver control panel.

Auto-Start PC

Do not rebuild the desktop if the "Auto-Start PC" option is selected in the PC Setup control panel.

Switch at Startup

If Switch at Startup is selected in the PC Setup control panel make sure the "Warn me if my computer was not shut down properly" option is not selected in the General Controls control panel and the Energy Saver control panel is set never to go into energy saving mode.

Shared Folders

Shared folders between the Mac and PC environment should only be used to transfer files. Do not open files or applications from a shared folder.

Switching between the Mac OS and the PC environment

Press Command-Return instead of using the control strip to switch between the Mac OS and the PC environment for the first time.

Third-Party Applications

Connectix RAM Doubler

When using RAM Doubler with the PC Compatibility Card make sure to use version 1.6.x or later.

Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh

If Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh (SAM) is installed and you mount a drive container, your screen may appear to freeze for a few minutes while SAM scans the container for viruses. The drive container will mount once the scan is complete.

Symantec Norton AntiVirus for Windows 95

Before you change the number of display colors in the Display Settings control panel, turn off Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect by double-clicking its icon in the Task bar and clicking Disable in the dialog box that appears.

Formatting disks or creating a Rescue disk may not work properly if Norton AntiVirus is installed. If you encounter a problem, do the following:
QuickTime for Windows

When playing QuickTime movies in the PC environment, you may notice synchronization problems between the audio and video.


Do not run SoftWindows while using the PC Compatibility Card.

Now Utilities for Macintosh

Now Utilities for Macintosh may cause errors when used with the PC Compatibility Card. If you experience system problems when using floppy disks in the PC environment, disable Now Utilities.

Other Programs

Apple recommends using only the memory management programs that are included with DOS or Windows. Do not use third-party memory management programs.

A program that attempts to directly control the floppy controller (such as a backup program) will not work properly.

Any program that sends data to the parallel port during setup or initialization may cause a blank page to print on your printer.


LaserWriter Select 300 and Personal LaserWriter 300 Printers

The LaserWriter Select 300 and Personal LaserWriter 300 printers are not fully supported. Files printed in the PC environment may not print properly on these printer models.

LaserWriter 310 PostScript Incompatibility

The LaserWriter Select 310 and Personal LaserWriter 310 with PostScript upgrades are not fully supported with Desktop Printing 2.x or later and the PC Printing Software v1.5 and later. If you are using the LaserWriter Select 310 or Personal LaserWriter 310 with a PostScript upgrade, you need to remove Desktop Printing 2.0 from the System Folder. Follow these steps:

1. Open the System Folder.

2. Open the Extensions folder

3. Remove the following files:4. Close the Extensions folder.

5. Open the Control Strip Modules folder.

6. Remove Printer Selector.


For best results, use Apple multiple scan monitors with the PC Compatibility Card.

Video Drivers

After the Windows 95 installation process make sure to install the video drivers from the PC Compatibility Card PC Utilities CD. Follow the instructions in the instructions in the PC Compatibility Card User's Manual.

After installing video software for Windows 3.1 you will need to install Video for Windows if you get the following error message; "Cannot load the Universal Draw Handler driver. The driver file may be missing. Try installing the driver again or contact your system administrator." This message appears when you try to open the Drivers control panel in Windows 3.1 or select the Universal Draw Handler driver in the Drivers control panel in Windows 3.1. To install video for Windows follow these steps:

1. If necessary, switch to the PC environment.

2. If necessary, exit Windows 3.1 into DOS.

3. Insert the PC Compatibility Card - PC Utilities CD into the CD-ROM Drive

4. Type the following:
     E: <return>
     CD \\VIDEO\\VFW <return>
     SETUP <return>

Video Driver Switching in Windows 95

Some 16-color 640 x 480 modes use the Windows 95 video drivers instead of the ATI video drivers. The ATI options will not appear in the control panel when the Windows 95 video drivers are being used. To make the ATI options available, change the color depth to a higher value, such as 256 colors.

Monitor Adapters

Selecting a 'pass-through' mode on a monitor adapter may cause the PC Compatibility Card to incorrectly sense the monitor. When the PC Compatibility Card does not sense the monitor because of an incorrect monitor adapter setting, it will automatically assume that the monitor is a 14" RGB monitor and restrict the resolution to 640 x 480. Make sure that the monitor adapter correctly represents the attached monitor.

AppleVision 1705 Display

The AppleVision 1705 Display will only appear to the PC as a DDC monitor if you use the optional 1705 VGA adapter cable and a VGA-to-Macintosh video adapter to connect the display to the PC Compatibility Card. Using the standard Apple-supplied cable will result in the monitor being identified as a 17" multiscan monitor. Although the PC Setup control panel lists Multiscan 17" in the Displays pop-up menu, you should select AppleVision 1705 in the Windows Display control panel.

Macintosh 21" Color Display

If you are using the Macintosh 21" Color Display with Windows 95, do not select a 24-bit driver in the Display control panel, even though it is an available selection. Select an 8 or 16-bit driver instead. Choosing a 24-bit driver may cause the PC environment to boot improperly.

21" Black and White monitors may not be compatible with the PC compatibility card.

Screen Display

When used with some monitors, a particular monitor resolution (such as 640x480) may cause the display to show a smaller viewable area surrounded by a black border. To correct the problem, try selecting a different monitor resolution.

If your PC Compatibility Card has 1 MB of video memory installed, then the only refresh rates available at 1280 x 1024 resolution are interlaced display modes. However, Apple multiple scan monitors and many third-party monitors do not support interlaced display modes. To display 1280x1024 resolution, you may have to upgrade the video memory on the 12" card to 2 MB, which supports higher refresh rates.

Fixed Frequency Monitors

Playing a Video for Windows (.AVI) file in full-screen mode may not work properly on a fixed frequency monitor. A multisynchronous or multiple scan monitor will work properly. Refer to the PC Compatibility Card User?s Manual for information about supported monitors and video modes.

Fixed frequency monitors do not support video 'Mode X' (320 x 240 resolution), which is primarily used by game programs.

Playing Video Files

When playing real-time based video files or games in the PC environment, you may notice synchronization problems between the audio and video.


To avoid network problems make sure to defragment your hard drive periodically.


The GeoPort modem is not recommended for use with the PC Compatibility Card.


The MACODI.COM and MACNDIS.DOS drivers found on the PC Compatibility Card-PC Software floppy disk are also contained on the PC Compatibility Card-PC Utilities CD in the \\Apple directory.

ODI and NDIS 2.0 network drivers are provided with your PC Compatibility Card software. If you need additional network software (such as LSL.COM 2.11) contact your network software provider.

If you are experiencing network problems using ODI and NDIS, make the following changes to your CONFIG.SYS file:

Windows For Workgroups
If you are using NDIS change the stack size to 64,256
If you are using ODI change the stack size to 64,128

Windows 95
If you are using NDIS change the stack size to 64,256
If you are using ODI add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file:

Token Ring

Token Ring is not supported by the PC Compatibility Card.


After making any changes to the Windows 95 Network control panel, always run SETNET. For more information, see the user's manual that came with your card.


Sound Drivers

After the Windows 95 installation process make sure to install the Sound Blaster drivers from the PC Compatibility Card PC Utilities CD. Follow the instructions in the instructions in the PC Compatibility Card User's Manual.

Sound Blaster Driver

If you hear fragmented sound after installing Windows 95, you may need change the settings of your Creative Labs Sound Driver. Follow these steps:

1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Apple, the Apple logo, AppleLink, AppleTalk, AppleShare, GeoPort, LaserWriter, Macintosh, PhotoFlash, Power Macintosh, and PowerTalk are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. AudioVision, Balloon Help, Extensions Manager, Mac OS, Macintosh PC Exchange, and QuickDraw are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Mention of non-Apple products is for informational purposes and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of these products.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012