This document provides late-breaking information that could not be included in the PC Compatibility Card User`s Manual or in the DOS Compatibility Software Update User`s Manual.
1. Start Windows.
2. Insert the "International keyboard files" floppy in the drive.
3. Open the International control panel.
4. Select the desired language in the Keyboard layout area; then click OK.
5. In the Install Driver dialog box, click Browse.
6. Select the appropriate drive containing the keyboard file of the desired language.
(Keyboard files have .DLL file name extensions). The path is
<floppy drive>\\KEYBOARD\\WIN31\\<language>\\<filename>.DLL
7. Select the desired file, then close the control panel and restart Windows.
1. Start Windows 95 and click the Start button.
2. Verify the keyboard file (file names have .kbd extension) for the desired language does not exist in the System directory (under the Windows directory). If the file exist, delete it by dragging it to the Recycle Bin and deleting.
3. Click on Settings; then select Control Panel.
4. Double click on the Keyboard icon.
5. Click on the Language tab.
6. If the language you desire to install already appears in the language list, select it and click on the Remove button.
7. Click on the Add button.
8. In the list that appears, select the desired language and click OK.
9. Click the name of the language whose keyboard layout you want to use; then click Set as Default.
10. On the bottom of the window, click on the Apply button.
11. At this point, a small dialog box for locating the keyboard file will appear if Windows is searching for the keyboard file for the first time.
12. Insert the "International keyboard files" floppy in the drive.
13. Click on the Browse button; then select the floppy drive.
14. In the Folders window, locate the folder containing the desired file, then click OK.
The path is: <floppy drive>\\KEYBOARD\\WIN95\\<language>
15. Make sure to switch the language in the keyboard bar on bottom right hand (this bar is where the current time appears).
16. Restart any applications that were running during the keyboard installation to activate the recently selected keyboard file.
The keyboard drivers included on the "International keyboard files" floppy correspond to the keyboard layout of the Apple Design Keyboard and the Apple ISO Extended Keyboard II. Some of the drivers are updates to the ones included on the PC Utility CD; users should install keyboard files from the floppy rather than from the CD.
Keyboard drivers are included for Window 3.1 and Windows 95 to support the following layouts: Belgian, British, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French-Canadian, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss-French
In some drivers, the numeric separator in the numeric keypad does not match the separator of the Apple Design Keyboard and the Apple ISO Extended Keyboard II. If that is the case with your desired keyboard driver, you should enter the separator from the main portion of the keyboard.