Apple Displays: Configuring From MS-Windows

Using APPLEVDO.INF to configure an Apple Display
The APPLEVDO.INF file is posted on Apple's software update web site. Also posted is a text file with installation instructions. The path to the software update is: <http//>. The content of the text file follows:

This file, included with the PC Compatibility software, allows you to configure an Apple Display connected to a

computer running Microsoft Windows.

Instructions for installing the APPLEVDO.INF file.

1. Put the file anywhere on the C: drive or on a floppy.

2. Open the Display control panel.

3. Click the Settings tab.

4. Click the Change Display Type button (Advanced Properties button if using Windows 95 SR2).

5. Click the Monitor tab if using Windows 95 SR2 (Does not apply to Windows 95 version 4.00.95 or 4.00.95 A).

6. Click the Change button in the Monitor Type section.

7. Click the Have Disk button in the Select Device window.

8. In the Install From Disk window, either browse for or type the path to the APPLEVDO.INF file.

9. Click OK in the Install From Disk window.

10. A list of Apple monitors should be displayed. You may have to click the show all devices button.

11. Select your monitor and click OK.

12. Click the Close button.

13. Click the OK button to close the Display control panel.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012