AppleCD SC: Audio Questions

This article provides questions and answers about AppleCD SC audio.
Question: Is the player oversampling; if so, what is the rate?

Answer: The AppleCD SC samples at the normal 44.1 KHz rate.

Question: Does it have an analog, digital, or combination output filter?

Answer: The AppleCD SC does have digital and analog filters; the analog filter is a "Brickwall" or steep analog filter.

Question: What is the output of the CD player in volts?

Answer: The mini-stereo jack outputs 0.6 +/- 0.1 volts RMS, at 32 ohms. The RCA plugs in the back output 0.5 +/- 0.1 volts RMS, at 47K ohms.

Question: Are the audio output sections of the player discrete?

Answer: The audio sections of the AppleCD SC are not discrete.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012