Async LaserWriter Driver 4.0: Use with LaserPrep 4.0

If you have had a problem using the Asynchronous LaserWriter Driver, the
problem may be the version of your LaserPrep file. The Asynchronous
LaserWriter Driver version 4.0 works fine with LaserPrep version 4.0.
Other versions of the LaserPrep file, like 5.2, may not print--even though
the connection to the LaserWriter is sound.

A successful configuration is:

LaserWriter IINT
SL Laser 4.0 (Asynchronous LaserWriter Driver)
LaserPrep 4.0
Macintosh IIx

Set the baud rate to 9600 in the Chooser. The DIP-switch settings on the
LaserWriter IINT had switch 1 up and switch 2 down. Connect the printer to
the Macintosh using an 8-to-25-pin cable.

To ensure that the LaserWriter has the proper settings, power on the
LaserWriter and look at the test page it prints. The RS-232 9600-baud and
RS-422 baud options should be listed on the test page.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012