Apple II Workstation Card: No Apple IIGS Support (2/97)

Apple II Workstation Card: Apple IIGS Support (2/97)

This article discusses the Apple II Workstation card and Apple IIGS support.

The Apple II Workstation Cards is not supported in the Apple IIGS because of the following reasons.

* When the Apple II Workstation Card is installed, only ProDOS 8 applications can run. The Workstation Card tells the server that it is an Apple IIe. Therefore, it will not work in a ProDOS 16 network environment. Typically, this means only the first 64K of memory will be used.

* The Workstation Card is not fully tested in this configuration and it is not supported by Apple.

Article Change History:
12 Feb 1997 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012