Apple IIGS: How To Print to Local & Network Printers

TOPIC -----------------------------------------

Is it possible to print to local printers from an Apple IIGS on an Apple II

The network in question has an Apple IIGS and an ImageWriter II in each work
area. Each of these Apple IIGS systems is networked into a central office
where they share a LaserWriter IINTX. Sometimes users need to print to the
local printer, other times to the LaserWriter.

Can they do this while on the network without shutting down their machines and
restarting with software locally? They are using network versions of
AppleWorks with third party applications and E-mail.

DISCUSSION ------------------------------------

Printing both locally and over the network depends on the application's method
of selecting a slot for printing.

AppleWorks does provide a method for assigning a printing slot, allowing three
printers to be defined in the Printer Information screen. To do this:

1) Set up the printer specifications for the local ImageWriter printer in
slot #1.

2) Set up an ImageWriter printer for slot #7. (This is for the ImageWriter
Emulator used in the LaserWriter.)

3) Choose the desired printer by going to the Main Menu/Other Activities/
Printer Information screen and selecting a new Open-Apple-H printer.

If the third party programs allow a slot choice within the program, select slot
#1 for the local printer and slot #7 for the network printer.

Prior to using a slot #7 printer (the network printer), use the Chooser
application to select the appropriate network printer.

(NOTE: These descriptions assume the use of the printer port on the
Apple IIGS.)

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012