Lisa: Monitors

Conrac: Conrac Corp.
600 N. Rimsdale Ave.
Covina, CA 91722
(213) 966-3511

What to request: 23" Black and White
Cabinet Model SNA-23/C
22.7 KHz horizontal line rate
60 Hz vertical field rate
Under scan adjusted so all 4 corners are visible
Modified for fast vertical retrace
20 MHz video amplifier

Electrohome: Electrohome (U.S.A.) Limited
250 Wales Ave.
Tonawanda, New York 14150
(716) 694-3332

What to request: EDP-57 Monochrome Projection monitor
Projects up to 15' diagonal screen
standard is green P1 phosphor, other phosphors available

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012