Macintosh-to-AT&T 6544/IBM 3174 Controllers Connectivity

TOPIC ---------------------------------------------

A customer has AT&T 6544 controllers. They are using IBM PCs (with
Attachmate cards) to connect to the controllers to get to the mainframes.
(The customer says that the wiring is twisted-pair.)

Is there a similar card available for a Macintosh II? Do you have any
other suggestions on how to connect the Macintosh to the 6544

DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------------

The AT&T 6544 controllers are clones of the IBM 3174 controllers with
AT&T-added functions for twisted-pair terminal connections and support. For
all practical purposes, your customer's configuration can be approached as
a connection to an IBM 3174.

This can be done through an AppleLine or other third-party product for 3174
support (like an Avatar or DCA 3270 Coax Card) and terminal emulation
software (like MacTerminal and 3270 FT from Apple or other third-party
products). There are a number of such products, and some are listed in
Tech Info Library.

While coax connections to the 6544 controller are possible, you can also
connect to the twisted-pair RJ-11 connectors. A Balun is needed at the
male end of a coax connector, for converting the signal levels to that of
RJ-11 wiring. The Balun is similar to that found on the AppleLine product.
Baluns are listed in most data communications trade catalogs, like the
Black Box Catalog.

For more details, search the Tech Info Library under "Black Box Corp".

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012