HyperCard: Problem With Dial Command and Apple Personal Modems

TOPIC -----------------------------------------

Where can I find the documentation for driving (play) telephone tones from

The application that I am working on requires talking to an audio response
unit at a bank that automates bill paying. The remote machine talks using
digitized audio requesting account code, password, and so on, expecting the
user to type in appropriate responses from the telephone keypad. I want
to automate this in HyperCard.

My Apple Personal Modem and the dial command appear to have limitations
(perhaps just limited documentation) that prevent me from doing what's needed
-- namely, to order the modem to dial a number with a ";" appended so that it
remains off hook when a voice answers. Instead, the dial command appears to
strip off this character.

Can the modem be used this way?

DISCUSSION ------------------------------------

Certain Apple Personal Modems, those with a serial numbers beginning with a
C621301 to C745577, do not work properly with the HyperDialer stack.

The problem exists because one of Apple's vendors incorrectly substituted
2.3-ohm resistors for 4.7-ohm resistors, which altered some characteristics of
the modem. The resistors are surface-mount type, numbered R106-107, with the
following numbers on the resistors: 4R7 (incorrect) or 2R3 (correct).

Try to dial using a modem outside the range specified above. If the problem is
not present in that situation, the original modem can be fixed by any Apple
service provider.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012