Without an mlts resource, Modem WorkShop assumes a default maximum length of 30 characters for each of the dial string fragments, and it assumes that the modem cannot negotiate a reliable link. In an mlts resource, you can specify the maximum length of each of the dial string fragments. (For more information, see "Variable Strings (varStrings)" in technical document 42657 "
Remote Access: Modem Scripting Basics."
To create an mlts resource for an existing script, follow these steps:
1. Double-click the ResEdit icon on your hard disk.
2. Press Return to remove the startup box. A dialog box appears with a directory of the current folder or disk. If necessary, use the pop-up menu to display a different folder.
3. Double-click the name of the script file you want to edit. A dialog box appears showing the resources associated with that file.
4. Choose Create New Resource from the Resource menu. A dialog box appears showing a list of resource types.
5. Enter mlts and press Return. The resource type is case-sensitive: Be sure to type mlts in lowercase. A window appears with the resource type and ID in the title bar.
6. Choose Get Resource Info from the Resource menu. A dialog box appears showing information about the resource.
7. Enter 0 (zero) for the ID and click the close box.
8. Enter the appropriate hex values for bytes 1-5. For details, see "Script Resources" in Chapter 1 of the Apple Remote Access Modem Scripting Guide. Note: If your modem manual provides a decimal value, you must convert that number to hex before you use it in the mlts resource.
9. Save the mlts resource and choose Quit from the File menu.