AppleShare PC: How To Change the Printer Timeout Parameter

TOPIC ---------------------------------------------

I am trying to permanently change the printer timeout parameter in AppleShare
PC 1.x. I can change the parameter, but whenever the machine is restarted, the
parameter is reset to default.

DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------------

The printer timeout parameter should stay as set even if the machine is
restarted. We tested this on an IBM-XT running AppleShare PC 1.2.

Make sure that you reply "Yes" to the question:

Connect automatically at startup?

in the LaserWriter Connect window.

Another way to ensure that the timeout parameter stays after restart is to use
the ANET command CONNECT in the PC AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Example:

ANET CONNECT LPT1: N(Printer Name) P(LaserWriter) D(timeout)

Please refer to the AppleTalk PC Update of the AppleTalk PC Printer Driver,
part no 031-1031-A, for more information.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012