TOPIC ---------------------------------------------
How does a Macintosh on Token Ring appear to NetView? Will NetView see
Macintoshes attached to the Token Ring via LocalTalk or Ethernet using our
Internet Router?
Will Apple's first release of MacDFT, which supports DFT over Token Ring from a
3174 controller, allow mainframe sessions to be distributed to Macintoshes over
LocalTalk and/or Ethernet?
Likewise, will Apple's first release of MacDFT, which supports DFT, allow
sessions to be distributed from our coax card to Macintoshes on LocalTalk
and/or Ethernet?
DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------------
Apple Computer's TokenTalk product conforms to the 802.5 Token Ring
standard of the Medium Access Control (Macintosh) layer as defined by IEEE
802 Local Area Network Committee. A Macintosh with the TokenTalk NB Card
appears to NetView as a Token Ring node, but it does not support NetView
diagnostic functions because these NetView functions are not implemented in
NetView does not see Macintoshes attached to the Token Ring via LocalTalk
or Ethernet through the Internet Router because the Internet Router was not
developed to support NetView and, therefore, does not pass LocalTalk and
EtherTalk node information to NetView.
The first release of MacDFT, which supports DFT on coax or Token Ring
cards, does not support distributions of mainframe sessions over LocalTalk
or EtherTalk.