AppleShare: UNIX Compatible Development Encouraged

TOPIC ---------------------------------------------

Does Appple want people to develop AppleShare-compatible file servers for
other platforms?

I am working with a local mini-super manufacturer running a variant of UNIX and
they are very interested in bundling some Macintosh system services with their

Can you guide me to the proper resources?

DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------------

Apple actively encourages people to develop AFP-compatible file servers. You
also should inform them of the existing products that turn UNIX systems into
AppleShare servers, such as Columbia AppleTalk Package (CAP) from Columbia
University and uShare from Information Presentation Technologies. Search on the
above names in Tech Info library for more details on these products.

You should advise your mini-super computer manufacturer to contact Apple
Developer Services Hot Lines at 408-974-4897 to get more information about
developing AFP-compatible file servers. Contact Software Licensing at
408-974-4667 for information about bundling Macintosh System software with
their package.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012