A/UX: IPC Tools (9/94)

If I remember correctly, Sys V.2 had two really good tools by which you could check the use of shared memory, segment sizes, flags on semaphores, and so on. I think this tool was called icps.

The other tool could be used for releasing shared memory segments. I did not find any equivalent tools under A/UX. I think this tool was called icpr. Please correct me if these tools exist under A/UX.

Otherwise, I would ask for an RFC because to tweak shared memory you need to know how much is in use at the moment. The problems with shared memory segments is that they hang in the system after the program has used them.

The two IPC tools, which you mentioned above, are called "ipcs" and "ipcrm", and both DO exist in A/UX 3.0.

The "ipcs" allows you to print the status of the active interprocess communication facilities.

The "ipcrm" allows you to remove one or more specified interprocess communication facilities, such as message, semaphore, or shared memory identifiers.

For more details, type "man ipcs" and "man ipcrm" in the A/UX Command Shell.

Article Change History:
21 Sep 1994 - Reviewed.
31 Aug 1992 - Reviewed.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012