A/UX: Determining Available Memory (9/94)

After I start up A/UX, and the splash screen is gone, how can I determine how much memory is installed in the system and how much is available? I am looking for a shell command, if it exists.

There is no command shipped with A/UX that will provide this information. It would be possible to write a program that returned these values, but none are included.

We don't think these values change frequently enough to require much attention. Users generally know when they change the amount of installed RAM, and the available memory only changes when the kernel is reconfigured.

A/UX 2.0: Select About the Finder in the Apple menu (while in the Finder)

A/UX 3.0: Open the Memory Control Panel for a display of both physical and
virtual memory. ( Control panels can be found under the Apple

Article Change History:
13 Sep 1994 - Reviewed.
31 Aug 1992 - Updated to include A/UX 2.0 and 3.0

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012