TOPIC ---------------------------------------------
I am using two LocalTalk adapters, one in a Zenith 8088 machine, and the other
in a Zenith 386 machine.
Each time I try using them, the system locks. I have version 1.0 of the
software, which came with the adapter. An article in the Tech Info Library
states that, most likely, there is an IRQ conflict, or that the system needs to
be told that the IRQ has been changed. I double checked for IRQ conflicts (I
even removed all of the adapters in the machine that may have caused the
conflict), and I have the proper command in my autoexec, as described in the
Do you know of anything else to try, or do you know of some incompatibility
with Zenith machines?
DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------------
Although you have removed all of the add-in cards in the Zenith machines,
there is still a possibility of an IRQ or DMA conflict.
Most Zenith PCs come with built-in serial and parallel ports. On some models,
the serial ports use the same interrupt as the default interrupt for the
LocalTalk PC Card. You should check the Zenith documentation for information
on the interrupt lines used by the built-in ports.
Since you are using the original software that came with the card,
we assume you are using LW.EXE. We recommend that you obtain the current
release of AppleShare PC.