VT100 Emulation Package that Can Adjust Screen Display Size

Is there a product that you can recommend that will use the full 13-inch Apple screen to do a VT100 emulation? I am using Macintosh IIcx systems to trap data from a Hewlett Packard via a VT100 emulation session. The emulation packages I am using cannot take advantage of the whole of the screen in VT100 mode. Before I started using Macintosh, the dumb terminals had a screen size of about 11 to 12 inches square. Unfortunately, the Macintosh emulation packages, such as OPAL (VIA Systems, Inc. is the U.S. distributor), MicroPhone II, and VersaTerm PRO, leave a 1-inch strip at the bottom and right of the screen when doing the emulation, and the actual size of the display is smaller than before. Certainly, the screen can be resized to fill the 13-inch screen, but at 12-point, the 80 characters leave this 1-inch strip. In 14-point, the 80 characters flow off of the screen by about 3 to 4 characters. I need more control over the actual font being used--either a 13-point font, or a slightly different font might solve the problem.
A possible solution would be to use Red Ryder from FreeSoft. This package has
the ability to choose the font size you want as long as the font you choose is
installed in the application. The application has a specific font with ID 98
that it looks for when setting the font size. You could build a 13-point font
from one of the existing sizes that would then be accessible from Red Ryder.
Building this font requires using a Font Editor, such as Fontastic from Altsys

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Published Date: Feb 18, 2012