The fix recommended above will not work. The "Monitors" CDEV does not
save any settings within itself. They are stored in the System file in a
resource called the "scrn" resource with an ID = 0. Replacing the
"Monitors" CDEV does not affect the settings in any way. The Portrait
Display Video Card is an intelligent card that senses at startup if a
display is attached. If no display is attached, the video card does not
make itself known to the system and does not show up in the "Monitors"
We have, however, a solution that should work. With the Portrait Display
attached, open the Monitors CDEV and move the menu bar to the icon that
represents the Portrait Display and don't adjust the screen that the menu
bar is on. When you take the computer home and plug in the monochrome
monitor, the menu bar will show up on the monochrome monitor. This happens
because the system thinks that only one video card is installed and
displays all information to the monochrome monitor. When you take the
computer to work and plug in the Portrait Display, the menu bar will
appear up on the Portrait Display because of the values stored in the
"scrn" resource in the System file.
There is nothing that can be done to the "Monitors" CDEV to resolve this