AppleShare PC: Resetting Timeout

TOPIC -----------------------------------------

I have several PCs coexisting with Macintoshes on a PhoneNET network. They are
printing to LaserWriters -- primarily the LaserWriter IINTX, but also a
LaserWriter IINT.

The Macintoshes are running Microsoft Word on the DOS end, and are having
problems printing because Microsoft Word does not release the document when it
reaches the end: I have to wait for the timeout.

I can use the DA pop-up application to change the timeout from 3 minutes to a
few seconds, but this is a lot of trouble. Can this be automated?

DISCUSSION ------------------------------------

You can use the command line interface to the DA; the command is called "ANET"
and is documented in the AppleShare PC 2.0 manual (Apple part #030-3002-A). The
specific subcommand you want is CONNECT, which has an option for setting the
LaserWriter timeout value. You also can obtain the exact format of the command
by entering the following command at the DOS prompt:


Once you have the specific command you desire, enter that line in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it is executed at startup, automatically connecting
you to the LaserWriter of your choice with your desired timeout values.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012