Macintosh Compatible Hand-Held Scanners and Bar Code Readers

I need a light pen for the Macintosh (NuBus or ADB).

We have listed examples of four different types of "light pen input devices"
or related devices.

Fixed-Position Bar-Code Readers
- UNi Bar Code Reader from TPS Electronics, connects via the keyboard or ADB

- Datapen from Datalogic, Inc., connects via the keyboard

Portable Bar-Code Readers
- TimeWand from Videx, Inc. (a serial device requiring serial download through
a communications program which is available from Videx.)

- XP-300 Portable Bar Code Reader from TPS Electronics, a portable, serial

Hand-Held Scanners
- LightningScan from Thunderware, Inc.A hand-held scanner capable of
handling images up to 4 inches wide; interfaces to any Macintosh SCSI port.

- ScanMan for Macintosh from Logitech, Inc.A hand-held scanner capable of
handling images up to 4.1 inches wide; interfaces to any Macintosh SCSI

Touch Screen
Mac 'N Touch from MicroTouch Systems, Inc.

To locate a vendor's address and phone numbers, use the vendor name as a search

Article Change History:
26 July 1993 - Company title updated from Datalogic Electronics, Inc. to
Datalogic, Inc.
19 January 1993 - Updated, vendor Information.
13 September 1991 - Reviewed, for accuracy.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012