The super-high-resolution graphics of the Apple IIGS are not directly
available from Applesoft. Applesoft BASIC supports only the original Apple
II low-resolution graphics (40x48 or 40x40 with 4 lines of text) and
high-resolution graphics (280x192 or 280x160 with 4 lines of text).
One solution is "Iconix IIGS" from So What Software. This is a set of
machine language subroutines accessible from Applesoft. They provide an
interface to the super-high-resolution graphics mode of the Apple IIGS.
Other BASIC solutions for super-high-resolution graphics mode include
Complete BASIC Compiler from Complete Technologies, AC/BASIC from Absoft
Corporation, and Micol Advanced BASIC from Micol Systems.
The Complete BASIC Compiler is similar to Apple's GSBASIC (available from
APDA) with the addition of graphics support. AC/BASIC is compatible with
Microsoft's QuickBASIC language and provides graphics support similar to
what is found in QuickBASIC for the Macintosh. Micol Advanced BASIC is
modeled after Applesoft. Anyone familiar with Applesoft should be
comfortable with Advanced BASIC.
GSBASIC from APDA provides calls to QuickDraw II. However, GSBASIC does
not directly support graphics commands within the BASIC language syntax.
For more details, search the Tech Info Library under "So What Software",
"Complete Technologies", "Absoft Corp", and "Micol Systems".