Apple II Network: Drop Box Creation From Finder Only
I work on an AppleShare/Aristotle network setup. I created a Drop Box on the
server, so that users can save their AppleWorks files directly into the Drop
Box on the server by using the appropriate ProDOS pathname. It doesn't work!
(Owner has all privileges, everyone else has Make Changes only.)
I first tested this on a Macintosh workstation, trying to save a document to a
Drop Box using the "Save As" command. Drop Boxes are dimmed in the dialog box,
so I wasn't able to open the Drop Box folder and save the document. The only
alternative I could think of was to save the document somewhere else, return to
the Finder, and then drag the document into the Drop Box.
Are there any alternatives for Apple II users who want to use Drop Boxes?
The Finder is the only mechanism we are aware of that lets you put files into a
Drop Box folder.