- Make sure that you have properly entered a valid recipient phone number.
A common mistake is to create a user in the Apple Address Book and enter the fax number in the voice telephone number box. Without a valid fax number, you cannot drag a recipient from the Apple Address Book.
- Make sure that your cover pages are available. Click on the Cover Pages pop-up menu in the Send dialog. If None is present, this is probably the problem.
This happens when a "clean" installation of the Mac OS has taken place. To correct this, follow the instructions in the Tech Info Library article titled "
Macintosh Performa 6400: Restoring Cover Pages in Apple Fax".
- If this fails to resolve the issue, try removing the Fax Extension Preferences.
This file is present in the System Folder: Preferences folder. Removing this file will require you to reconfigure some localization information in the Apple Address Book.