Apple Telecom 3.x: Send Button Inactive when Using Quick Send or QuickFax

When I attempt to use the Quick Send function from the Apple Address Book or QuickFax from the Apple Fax application under Apple Telecom 3.0 or 3.1, the Send button is not active, no matter what I do. In addition, I cannot enter comments. Why?
A common mistake is to create a user in the Apple Address Book and enter the fax number in the voice telephone number box. Without a valid fax number, you cannot drag a recipient from the Apple Address Book.

This happens when a "clean" installation of the Mac OS has taken place. To correct this, follow the instructions in the Tech Info Library article titled "Macintosh Performa 6400: Restoring Cover Pages in Apple Fax".

This file is present in the System Folder: Preferences folder. Removing this file will require you to reconfigure some localization information in the Apple Address Book.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012