AppleShare 4.2.x: Use AppleShare Client 3.6.1 with Mac OS 6.x

What version of the AppleShare workstation client is recommended for Mac OS 6.x workstations accessing an AppleShare 4.2 server?
AppleShare Client 3.6.2 will not successfully mount AppleShare 4.2 volumes on Mac OS 6.x workstations. When attempting to mount a message is presented indicating that the desktop needs minor repairs, if you choose to fix there will then be a message indicating insufficient privileges for the operation and the original message is presented again. The only way out of this loop is to restart the workstation.

To prevent this error, use AppleShare Client 3.6.1 on Mac OS 6.x workstations using an AppleShare 4.2.x server.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012