"Chapter 5: Using The Installer" of the the Apple IIGS System Software User's Guide, version 5.0. (Apple part #030-1622-A) has a section on p. 99 called "Deciding What To Install", which discusses how to fit the desired parts of GS/OS onto a 3.5-inch disk for stand-alone Apple IIGS computers.
At the top of page 100, there is a paragraph referring the user to the "AppleTalk Network User's Guide for the Apple IIGS" -- which is included with GS/OS 5.0 -- for advice on how to install the required items for a networked Apple IIGS.
At the back of the AppleTalk Network User's Guide (Apple part #030-1633-A) is a four-page "Update to AppleTalk Network User's Guide for the Apple IIGS", which replaces "Creating a 3.5-Inch Networking Startup Disk" on pp. 24-26 of the network guide.
This update lists the procedures for:
- Using AppleShare File Servers, but not network printers.
- Using AppleShare File Servers and LaserWriter printers.
- Using one or two Types of network printers, but not AppleShare File Servers.
- Using AppleShare File Servers and ImageWriter or ImageWriter LQ printers.
Using the third procedure, substitute a direct connect ImageWriter for the AppleTalk ImageWriter used in the procedure. The resulting disk provides access to both the direct connect ImageWriter and the networked LaserWriter.
The disk will include:
Graphic Control Panel
DC Printer CDEV
LaserWriter CDEV
Drivers for:
Printer port
with 11K still available.
This does not allow support of AppleShare file services. One of the printers needs to be discarded before file services can be provided. This is noted by the Installer during the installation procedure for AppleShare on a 3.5-inch disk. When AppleShare for 3.5 is selected, a dialog appears with the following message:
"WARNING: This update makes a 3.5-inch disk into an AppleShare disk. Files will be removed. Install any printer driver you want (only one will fit)."
NOTE: Do NOT install this on your only copy of the System Disk.