The following instructions are aimed at helping you use the Apple Writer IIe
word processor to generate text with the Apple Color Plotter.
NOTE: (No.) represents a variable.
Step Input Result
1 Boot Apple Writer
2 Type .LM0 (CR) Sets left margin to 0
3 Type SP0 (CR) Plotter command to set paper to 8 1/2 x 11
4 Type LR90 (CR) Sets printing on Apple Color Plotter horizontal
5 Type MA(No.),0(CR) Moves plotter to the point on the paper where
you want to start plotting.
(No.) = any value in millimeters from 0 - 340
6 Type CTRL-P?(CR) Print Menu
7 Type PD(No.)(CR),(CR) Sets the slot location
(No.) = Super Serial slot location
8 Type LS(No.)(CR) Sets letter height to any height you desire -
please be sure it fits on the page.
(No.) = any measurement in graphic unit within
the parameters of the page (See Help Chart
9 Type PS(No.)(CR) Commands the Apple Color Plotter to change pens
(No.) = Any number from 1-4 with 1 as the
10 Type PL(CR) Tells plotter to accept text
11 Enter your text here
12 Type CTRL-V(CR)
13 Type CTRL-C(CR)
14 Type CTRL-V(CR) This terminates the PL command
15 Type CTRL-P
16 Type NP(CR) Sends commands and text to the plotter
o If it doesn't run, first set the CR command (Print Menu) to CR1.
o There are 1759 graphic units (g.u.) per 8 1/2" edge of paper OR
175.9 mm of usable space. So, each graphic unit = 0.1 mm.
o To determine the number of characters per line use the formula
1759 g.u. divided by (No.) g.u. per horizontal line on the page.
# of Characters # of G.U. Hght of Chrs across page
2 612 61.2
6 254 25.4
11 148 14.8
17 102 10.2
29 60 6.0
36 48 4.8
Note: Use the 0.3mm pens to generate 6.0mm letters or less