Apple Color Plotter and Apple Writer Interface

The following instructions are aimed at helping you use the Apple Writer IIe
word processor to generate text with the Apple Color Plotter.

NOTE: (No.) represents a variable.

Step Input Result

1 Boot Apple Writer
2 Type .LM0 (CR) Sets left margin to 0
3 Type SP0 (CR) Plotter command to set paper to 8 1/2 x 11
4 Type LR90 (CR) Sets printing on Apple Color Plotter horizontal
5 Type MA(No.),0(CR) Moves plotter to the point on the paper where
you want to start plotting.
(No.) = any value in millimeters from 0 - 340
6 Type CTRL-P?(CR) Print Menu
7 Type PD(No.)(CR),(CR) Sets the slot location
(No.) = Super Serial slot location
8 Type LS(No.)(CR) Sets letter height to any height you desire -
please be sure it fits on the page.
(No.) = any measurement in graphic unit within
the parameters of the page (See Help Chart
9 Type PS(No.)(CR) Commands the Apple Color Plotter to change pens
(No.) = Any number from 1-4 with 1 as the
10 Type PL(CR) Tells plotter to accept text
11 Enter your text here
12 Type CTRL-V(CR)
13 Type CTRL-C(CR)
14 Type CTRL-V(CR) This terminates the PL command
15 Type CTRL-P
16 Type NP(CR) Sends commands and text to the plotter


o If it doesn't run, first set the CR command (Print Menu) to CR1.
o There are 1759 graphic units (g.u.) per 8 1/2" edge of paper OR
175.9 mm of usable space. So, each graphic unit = 0.1 mm.
o To determine the number of characters per line use the formula
1759 g.u. divided by (No.) g.u. per horizontal line on the page.


# of Characters # of G.U. Hght of Chrs across page
2 612 61.2
6 254 25.4
11 148 14.8
17 102 10.2
29 60 6.0
36 48 4.8

Note: Use the 0.3mm pens to generate 6.0mm letters or less
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012