The maximum number of virtual circuits (VCs) supported is dependent upon the number of Serial NuBus cards used by the MacX25 server. Each card supports a maximum of 64 VCs. There is a maximum number of VCs supported by the MacX25 server itself of around 250 VCs. So if you configured a MacX25 server using 4 Serial NuBus cards, you could theoretically support 4 * 64 = 256, or 250 VCs.
The actual number of users that can be simultaneously supported depends on:
* The speed of the line (2400bps or a rate from 9600bps to 64000bps)
* The usage pattern (terminal traffic vs file transfer)
* The LAN media (EtherTalk or LocalTalk)
The X.25 server can run in the background; therefore, you do not need to dedicate a Macintosh to run MacX25.